1. 网红经济:internet celebrity economy
2. 网络空间命运共同体:community of shared future in cyberspace
3. 网络侵权:internet copyright infringement
4. 养老服务:elderly care service
5. 人道主义支援:humanitarian relief
6. 可载人无人机:passenger-carrying drone
7. 可替代能源汽车:alternative energy vehicle
8. 京津冀一体化:Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration
9. 清洁能源:clean energy
10. 带薪休假:paid leave
11. 非物质文化遗产:intangible cultural heritage
12. 城际高铁:inter-city high-speed rail
13. 城市住房公积金:urban housing fund
14. 城乡一体化:rural-urban integration
15. 创新型政府:pro-innovation government
16. 出口关税:export duty
17. 互联网+:Internet Plus
18. 冬奥会:Olympic Winter Games
19. 二孩经济:second-child economy
20. 房产税:property tax
21. 分级医疗制度:hierarchical medical system
22. 跨越式发展:leapfrog development
23. 个人信用记录:personal credit records
24. 过度包装:excessive packaging
25. 互联网保险:online insurance
26. 互联网从业者:internet professional
27. 饥饿营销:hunger marketing
28. 积分落户制度:points-based hukou system
29. 基层社区:grassroots community
30. 实名认证:real-name authentication
31. 年度考核:annual assessment
32. 企业文化:corporate culture
33. 创新型人才:innovative talent
34. 人脸识别:facial identification
35. 代驾服务业:designated driver business
36. 交易费:transaction fee
37. 跟团游:package tour
38. 自由行:independent travel
39. 免税店:duty-free store
40. 一个中国原则:the one-China principle
41. 与时俱进:keep pace with the times
42. 综合国力:overall national strength
43. 共同愿望:common desire
44. “走出去”战略:going global
45. 不结盟:non-alignment
46. 单边主义:unilateralism
47. 多边政策:multilateralism
48. 多极世界:multipolar world
49. 人口老龄化:aging of population
50. 人口出生率:birth rate
51. 社区服务:community service
52. 道德法庭:court of ethics
53. 盗用公款:embezzlement
54. 市场经济:market economy
55. 计划经济:planned economy
56. 可持续发展战略:strategy of sustainable development
57. 消费观:consumption concept
58. 改革开放:reform and opening up
59. 经济特区:special economic zone
60. 社会主义市场经济:socialist market economy